Back pain is a very common condition that may occur due a variety of reasons such as sore muscles, injured ligaments and tendons, herniated discs, impinged nerves, or fractured vertebrae. Accurately identifying the underlying cause for back pain is essential to ensuring successful treatment. Here is a guide to the location of your back pain:
- Back Sprain and Strain: These back injuries are caused lifting heavy objects or repetitive bending movements. Accompanying symptoms manifest as back stiffness, muscle spasms, and bent-trunk posture. Most back muscle injuries may recover on their own or with conservative care. Try to stay as active as possible while avoiding anything that exacerbates your symptoms such as twisting movements or lifting.
- Spinal Disc Problems: Your spinal vertebrae are separated by spongy discs that act as shock absorbers which protect your spine. Age-related changes may cause the disc herniation or shrinkage that can cause vertebrae to rub against each other. There may not be much pain unless a nerve is impinged upon which will lead to pain in the area of nerve distribution such pain running down the leg or arm.
- Spinal Stenosis: Degenerative changes in spine can result in narrowing of the spinal canal, development of body overgrowths called bone spurs which puts pressure of the spinal cord and nerves. Back pain due to spinal stenosis may get worse with standing straight, bending backwards, and walking. The pain is reduced with sitting or leaning forward.
Occasionally, the underlying cause of your back pain may be difficult to identify because of the many interconnected structures within the spine and the significant overlap of nerves supplying this region. In such cases, consulting a spine specialist may be the best course of action. A spine specialist will discuss your symptoms in detail, perform a thorough physical examination, and order imaging studies as required to obtain an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.
NewportCare Medical Group is a comprehensive specialty group located in Newport Beach,California specializing in advanced non-surgical and surgical treatments for a wide range oforthopedic conditions.