Director Golta Eragi, DPW, CWSP
NewportCare has a dedicated team of physicians that value you and your recovery in its entirety. We believe providing you with multi-specialty and concierge care is a large part of that success. Your innovative team of physicians is excited to introduce our new Wound Healing Center!
As a board certified wound care specialist by the American Board of Wound Care Management and completing her Wound Care and Limb Salvage Fellowship, Dr. Eragi has extensive knowledge in identifying healing vs. non healing wounds and their impact on all aspects of your life. She is a big advocate on treating you as an entire entity and educating you so your knowledge will inadvertently help your adherence to your treatment protocol, yielding faster results.
As the new Director of NewportCare Medical Group Wound Care Clinic, Dr. Eragi strives to engage the latest techniques and modalities in wound care. She hopes to help lessen the emotional and economic burden on you, the patient, and your family by achieving fast wound closures.
What Is Classified As A Wound?
Wounds, in simple terms, are open lesions that could be caused due to diabetes, poor blood supply, malfunction of the venous system, trauma, pressure, burns, autoimmune diseases, dermatological conditions or even start as something as simple as an insect bite.
Whether a wound heals within days or weeks, a comprehensive treatment plan needs to be devised by an expert wound specialist who can evaluate the patient as an entire entity.
When Do I Call Dr. Eragi?
When You Have:
- Increased pain, redness and/or swelling around the wound
- A fever
- Increased warmth around the wound
- A change or discoloration in wound drainage
- You can’t stop bleeding
- Your wound is deep or has jagged edges
- Your wound was caused by a rusty or dirty object
Our Wound Healing Treatment Plans
As an expert wound care specialist, Dr. Eragi has the ability to perform thorough debridement and expedite the process of wound closure through the knowledge of emerging and available wound care products, unique to each wound from the cellular and extra cellular standpoint.
Dr. Eragi establishes the exact deficiencies in a wound and applies the appropriate advanced wound care product.
- Extracellular matrix products
- Stem Cell
- Embryonic tissue
- Specialized dressings
- Debridement
- Infection control
- Diabetes education
Get Help Today!
Put your best foot forward and CALL US for more information about wound healing services at NewportCare Medical Group and schedule an appointment today.
NewportCare Wound Healing Center
Featured Physicians
Kasra Rowshan, MD
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Adult and Pediatric Spinal Surgeon
Recognized for his work utilizing minimally invasive procedures to address acute & chronic spinal conditions.
Vu H. Le, MD
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Adult and Pediatric Spinal Surgeon
Known for his exceptional work in thedeformity of the spine in both degnerative & traumatic patients.
Sunny Cheung, MD
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Joint Surgeon
With great maticulous work, he restores joint function returning athletes to normal & painfree life.
Farshad Bathaee, DPM
Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon Total Foot Care
With minimal visual scars and discomfort, he restores the foot to a proper function & aestetic beauty.
Koroush Kolahi, MD
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Upper Extremity and Micro Surgeon
Renowed for his detailed surgeries of he hand, wrist, elbow & shoulders, with the ability to perform all ranges of microsurgery.
Ravi Srinivas, MD
Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon Spinal and Foot /Ankle Surgeon
His attention to patient’s needs has helped him excel in achieving high surgical outcomes & patient satisfaction.
Juline Businc,LAc MSTOM
Certifed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
A holistic approach to patient care is her specialtity. A mixture of eastern and western medicine ensures fast recovery & reduction in pain
John Djerbaka, DPT
Board Certified Doctor in Physical Therapy
His unique stlyle of therapy and motion, makes recoving from injury & surgery fast and simple
Joseph Pacelli, DC
Board Certified Chiropractor Sports Medicine
Specially trained in the treatment and care of the professional athelete.
Board Certified by American Board of Wound Management
Dr. Eragi continued her specialization by completing an additional year of training in Wound Care